Friday, February 11, 2011

What to do now?

I am now 'unemployed' and one thing I feel for sure is that this current state makes me feel 'unemployable'.  However, I am not affected by this fleeting state and have been given an opportunity to appreciate the love I have in my life.  And there's a LOT!

I realise that this may have little to do with woodturning, but I have also discovered my genuine interest in Buddhism.  The connection between the two is not apparent at first.  So I began to realise a new direction with my work.

This has led me on a new path and one that I am very happy following.  In essence I have recently taken to producing artistic interpretations of the classical Tibetan Singing Bowl.  An example of which can be seen in the top image.

Below are two examples of my efforts so far.  They adequately contain my skills, creativity and artistic ability with woodturning whilst at the same time my thoughts and meandering musings on Buddhism and the classical Tibetan Singing Bowl.

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