Monday, October 17, 2011

Forms of Karma

A while ago I made a few pieces that I call Forms of Karma, they are a type of rocking bowl design that allow me to explore form, movement and finishing techniques.  I have been working away in the background for a while on this design and here are some progress picks of the latest piece.

This one is the largest to date and measures 9.5" across and 9" from front to the tip of the finial.

The form of this piece is very pleasing to me and there are a lot of design possibilities.  At present, the piece is designed to rest on its edge and the tip of the finial.  This allows the piece to be presented at an attractive angle.  This allows the front and rear to be displayed at its best and also allows the applied pyrography design to be seen.

The most interesting thing about this design is that it is partially kinetic.  The piece will happily sit on a surface and find it's own centre but a gentle nudge to the edge will send it delicately revolving in 360ยบ for a while, where it will then gently settle again at it's centre.

I have yet to pyrograph the interior of the bowl but after this I have a few ideas I want to explore with this piece.  They will possibly lead to further development with this series but a few limitations may prevent me from exercising my ideas.

More updates will follow soon and I will try to update with progress as regularly as possible.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee

    Looking good. I bet this one rolls for some time.

    keep them coming and keep developing.

    Take care

